We are committed to equipping you to display the brilliance in your God-given sphere of influence. Below are links specifically designed to equip you to live a victorious life of faith and purpose.
Since 2013, For Such A Time As This has hosted life-changing conferences and schools specifically designed for you to:
Encounter God through worship, teaching, instruction and impartation Be equipped to walk in a lifestyle of deep fellowship and intimacy with God Experience an atmosphere of the miraculous. Click here for full itinerary. Please be our guest at an upcoming event and come expecting to be transformed forever.
PROPHETIC CLINIC | June 13-14 Whiteville, North Carolina
FAITH SUMMIT | July 25-26 Martinsville, Virginia
UNLOCKED ADVANCED WOMEN'S INTENSIVE | September 25-27 Father's House Augusta, Augusta, GA
PROPHETIC CONFERENCE | October 3-4 w/ Special Guest Apostles Dale and LuAnne Mast Wilmington, North Carolina
SATURATE | November 13-14 Encounter Church Vegas Las Vegas, NV
What would your life be like if you could do the works of God here on earth? This is not just a fantasy. Believe it or not this is God's plan! The secret to walking in greater revelation, greater authority, greater purpose is found in one simple word - TRUST, sometimes referred in scripture as FAITH or BELIEVE. This book will give you practical insights on how to access a greater measure of trust in God - and you don't need much! The Bible says that if you had the faith of even a mustard seed you could move mountains. Allow the insights and truths shared in this book to wash over your soul and breath into your spiritual lungs new hope, new visions, new expectations, for what is possible and even desired for God to do in and through your life! Before you were born, God set aside for you certain promises, specific gifts and special blessings He wants for you to receive. May this book hand you the keys to access this for your life.
See a prophetic look into the future of the church as God intended. If you would like to shift into a greater dimension of God’s purpose, plan and presence; If you long for a greater passion for Jesus and to see more of His favor and divine power flowing through your life, then this is the book for you! It seems that Christianity as we see it lived out has become anemic. Why are we not seeing the miracles we read about in the Bible? Where is the power, the devotion, the blessing that early believers seemed to embrace as a routine part of their spiritual experience? In Creation Reborn you will catch a vision of what’s possible, not just for the church at large but for your life!