word_for_2021.pdf |
While we are calling this a prophecy for 2020, I believe the Lord speaks more in seasons than in our calendar years. I also believe intercession can diminish the severity of some words that speak of potential judgment. In some cases, it may avert the judgment altogether. (See Genesis 18:17-32; Amos 7:1-6) All prophecies should be bathed in intercession. The ones that speak of harvest and blessing, and the ones with admonitions attached to them.
On the morning of October 8, 2020, God began to speak to me about the coming season. The following words represent words that the Holy Spirit released to me over a period of two and a half months. I encourage you to prayerfully consider the prophetic words and allow God to highlight specific phrases or parts that are most applicable to you, your family, and your community in this current season. My prayer is that as you read and listen to these words that you would be edified and encouraged to receive a fresh desire to know the beauty of God. May the true word be released on the earth in this season and enable God’s people to fulfill His distinct purposes for this season in world history.
This is truly a defining season for the body of Christ, not only in the United States of America but across the earth. There will be a divine turnaround for the people of God in this season. I will truly allow the world to see the profound difference between good and evil, right and wrong, darkness and light, and my voice and the voice of the enemy. I say to my people, be sure and be established on the firm foundation that is my word. Be established in a deep desire to know my voice, obey my voice, and do what I am speaking in this season. This is a time of divine turnaround. I will cause what has come against my people to be turned around for people’s certain good. If you allow yourself to stand firm on the solid foundation, I will cause you to rise above every circumstance that is trying to define and divide the people of the earth. No longer say that the time of revival and outpouring is coming. I say to my people the time of revival and outpouring is upon you. The door to heaven is now open. What I have desired since the beginning of time will now take place.
Do not be dismayed. Do not be discouraged, for the body of Christ has entered into one of its greatest seasons. I will cause my people to overcome limitations and difficulty to represent me in a manner the world has yet to see. What I am birthing on the earth will make what occurred on the day of Pentecost appear like elementary things. I will not only cause a birthing of supernatural power and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, but I will cause my people, as never before, to live in a different place. Though they live on earth, I want to teach my people to live from heaven towards earth. Unprecedented wisdom and knowledge and virtue is my people’s portion… I implore my people. Seek me with your whole heart and mind, and unprecedented wisdom, knowledge, and understanding will be your portion, for I do not want my people to be ignorant nor fearful of the future of what will take place. I have ordained my people’s future to be defined by what I speak to them… I want to give my people a long-term vision and strategy that will define them for the next ten to twelve years… Many of my key leaders on the earth are at a divine cross-roads. It is imperative that they receive wisdom, knowledge, and instruction that will allow them to walk out the future I have ordained for them. I always have a very personal and specific future purpose for my people, but it is their responsibility to seek me, believe me, and walk in what I desire to freely give them… I am releasing great grace to my people to seek me as never before. This is a season on the earth when I want to reveal defining words, wisdom, and understanding for my people.
Vision is essential in this season for my people. Many of the defining features of the world system will fail. Many of the systems and many of what my people have trusted will fail, but I will not fail my people. I will not fail my people. I will grant those who are hungry to see and know unprecedented wisdom, purpose, and understanding. I am inviting people in a renewed manner to see from my perspective. Indeed, this is the season I desire to equip my people to see as never before. This is a season on the earth of the seer. Indeed, arise, shine for your light has come. I want to teach my people, according to my word, how to legislate and move in authority from the unseen realm and to bring what is in the unseen realm into the seen. Kingdom eternal realities will be birthed on the earth. My desire is that the seers would arise on the earth. My desire is that the seers would arise. My desire is that my seers would arise. My desire is that the seers would arise. My desire is that the seers would arise!!!
In the next ten years, it is my desire that the body of Christ would be defined by the teaching and equipping of the gift of seeing, discernment, and prophetic discernment into the future. Prophets who function primarily as seers will come to a place of prominence in the body of Christ as never before. Their emergence will be a physical sign that across the body, my people’s ability to see and know and move in a place of greater authority has increased in an unprecedented manner on the earth. This is the hour that I want to give my people sight as never before. My desire is to give clear sight, wisdom, and understanding.
My people stand with me, and you will stand in a place that though you may stumble, you will never be shaken or moved by the world outside but will be moved by God inside of you. I want my people to be the ones who embrace mountains as opportunities to see my ability to move on their behalf and cause them to overcome. While the United States of America will face many challenges in the coming months and season, know that I have destined my people to be a people of overcoming power and those who display my goodness as never before. My desire is for my people to walk upon a very specific narrow path. It will be a path of fruitfulness and a path to overcome. The greatest days of authority, virtue, and miracles will be my people’s portion.
I myself will mark my people with unusual signs and wonders and miracles. It will not be just physical in nature, but also miracles in the changing of weather patterns and climates. There will be shifts and changes of the environment and atmosphere in regions and cities, including weather patterns, the economies, and those who are placed into elected office. In this season on the earth, I want my people to take their rightful authority in learning to shape the history and climates of cities, regions, and nations. I invite you to believe in me for a vision to see nations, cities, and regions discipled. My mandate for my people is that they would truly disciple nations and have a vision to disciple nations. Believe me that nations can be discipled. Believe me that nations can be discipled.
What will mark this end-time outpouring? A people of authoritative and unceasing prayer, signs and wonders, an authentic message of Jesus, and unity. Yes, unprecedented unity and the word of the Lord being released with power and authority… I say to my people; there is grace to live as people of unceasing prayer, worship, and intercession. I will speak to my leaders across the globe to call together my people for the purpose of prayer, worship, and intercession. There are certain realities that cannot be birthed outside of the place of worship, prayer, and intercession. I say to my people embrace the words of leaders to come together in prayer, worship, and intercession. The time of unceasing prayer, worship, and intercession has come upon the people of God.
This is the season of the sound. Just as it was on the day of Pentecost, the birth of my Church, I will release a sound into Church communities and regions of the earth. As my people align with me and my words in a place of prayer and supplication, I will release through my people an unprecedented sound that will cause death and life, death to what was never birthed from me, and life to what was never birthed. A rebirthing of what was dead but needs to come alive, this will be a season of what was dead to come alive. This is a season of the sound and the birthing. Do not lose heart and be not faint-hearted. Contend for what is not, but I desired it to be and see the manifestations of promises given long ago.
This will be a season of sound birthed through the music of the saints of God. I want to teach a whole generation of people to become a bridge to bring the sound of heaven from heaven to earth. I want to teach them to live from the authority that I have given my people. Though they live on the earth, I want to teach them to live from heaven to the earth.
It is a season of Deborah’s arising in the earth as never before. As a sign to my people, I will bring to prominence powerful women from all different races and backgrounds, particularly African-American women, Hispanics. and Indians. I am releasing the Deborah’s, on the earth, to release righteous judgment on the earth and deliverance for the people of God. Yes, a grace is coming into my body to set captives free and to release my people from every evil work, and from entanglements that are not of me.
This is a season of I, myself, establishing righteousness and purity in my people so that my body can carry a corporate weight of glory that has never before been seen on the earth. This is a season of establishing and releasing the fear of the Lord and a cleansing beauty for my people to ascend the hill of the Lord with a clean and pure heart. In this season, my body will fall into love with holiness and purity and in the fear of the Lord as never before.
The judgments of God are coming to the house of God, and what is not of God but exists in my people. I will release a harsh and stern judgment. It will not be for judgment's sake but for the sake of allowing my body to stand on a solid foundation and produce unprecedented fruit, breakthroughs, and impact. So put away any idols of the heart and understand any misunderstanding of me, and stand as the people I so desire you to become and have granted you the power to be.
In this season on the earth, I am connecting key leaders, as never before, for the purposes of God. My five-fold leaders will begin to speak and release as one sound as never before. I will cause my leaders to come together as one in covenant. The strength of my people will be defined by their ability to come together and walk together as one.
One of the marks that my hand is upon my people is that I am bringing diverse streams of my body to join together for the purpose of Kingdom advancement. I am going to draw together the Baptist, Catholics, Assembly of God, Charismatics, and Word of Faith, and renewal groups. I will draw them together.
My true brilliance and beauty cannot be seen in the world without my people coming together as one. So come together as one. I want to cause my people to see each other and other streams as I see them for the purpose of bringing my body together as one. When my people are together as one, a power that has not been seen since the days of the early church will be released on the earth, and history can be written in the manner of what I intend.
I want to give my people eyes to see what I have made available to them in this season and what I have made available to this generation of my children on the earth that no other generation has been given. Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are my people’s portion. In this season, I will teach my people how to walk by faith and not by sight as never before. I will teach them to not be moved by what you see with your natural eyes, but to be only moved by what I have been speaking and what I have declared to be true… This is a season on the earth when my people must devour my word as their highest delight and guard themselves against all other influences so that their highest delight is in me… I want to mark people. Indeed, I want to brand my people with a marking that their greatest delight would be to know and experience my beauty. Indeed the greatest revelation that I am releasing on the earth is a revelation of my beauty and my name on the earth. When my people see my beauty, they will represent me as I have ordained them to represent Him.
For truly, the earth is longing and groaning for the appearance of the sons of men. Now there has been a generation released on the earth that will understand the beauty of my son and the authority I have given my children to reshape the earth according to my divine intent. I am jealous for the earth to reflect what has been the desire of my heart since time began.
For indeed, there is also a great rumbling taking place on the earth. The plans and desire of the enemy will not flourish. The Lord says the lockdowns will not prosper. He says, I myself will see to it that many people represent me in this defining time on the earth for the people of God.
This is truly a defining season for the body of Christ on the earth… I will define my people according to how they responded to the crisis and the difficulty currently taking place in the nations of the earth. Do not seek natural solutions, for I alone am the one who brings hope, peace, and understanding. Yet I say again do not look for natural solutions, for I alone can bring wisdom and understanding. Now is the time for my people to join together in a place of prayer, supplication, and worship. In your humility, in turning to me, I would grant you understanding for the time and season in which you live.
This is a season on the earth that I desire to establish my people by the words of their mouth. I have untold reserves of solutions that will bring victory for my people. They must be established by my words. They must believe what I speak and say, and say what I have spoken. I have preordained realities that I desire to come to pass. I am releasing messengers and five-fold ministers on the earth who will carry and release my words to my body and the nations of the earth as never before. Do not despise my words and the words of my servant in this season. My people will be defined by the words they speak and proclaim, so let my word be established in your mouth and see my word come to pass. I am releasing great authority and power on the words my people speak. Do not neglect my word. Take great delight in my word and see my word come to pass. For my word has been given as a gift to you to take great delight in and eat as spiritual food so that no adversity or difficulty would overcome you and allow you to be defeated in this world.
This next season in the body of Christ will be defined by an open heaven for my children in the United States of America. I am placing the choice of death and life before my people. Though the mountains and situations may look difficult and even impossible to overcome, what I have determined for my people is the ability to overcome and be on display for the world to see. Did I not say that you are the light of the world, a city that is to be set on a hill? I desire you to be put on display in this world. Even as my servant Joseph was elevated in the middle of famine for His people, my desire is that my people would be like Joseph and have an understanding of what cannot be understood with a natural mind of intellect and the ability to bring solutions. As my servant Daniel was placed in a position to serve an evil ruler, I want my people to live from the ascended place of favor and authority. I have given them the authority to overcome every limitation that the enemy would seek to place upon them. However, it will be your choice as to whether you will overcome it.
In this defining season, I want to define my people by bringing them into an elevated place of sonship, discipleship, and authority. Do not cease to build your life on my gift of faith that is inside of you. My people must learn to walk by faith and not by sight as never before. My faith has been given to my people so they can receive and overcome every obstacle that would ever come against them. So trust me, speak my words, and allow the gift of my faith to be your anchor in this world. Allow yourself to grow in faith through practical action. For there is a life I have predestined for my people during this specific time. It is a time of going where my people have never gone before. It will be like when Peter saw me, and I invited him to walk in the same place I was standing. I want to cause my people to walk where they have never walked before and to step into that place. They must have a desire to go and to hear and obey and stay focused and consumed with what I have spoken. This is a season that I want to define my people by walking in places that the intellect cannot imagine but has my people’s portion when time began.
This will be a season of divine overcoming for my people. I am provision. I have abundance. I have fruitfulness for all that you would ever need or want. Keep your focus upon me and know that I am the author and the finisher of your faith. I will show myself faithful to my people in this season. Prosperity will be my people’s portion, not simply for the purpose of prosperity but for the sake of the world. It will be for the sake of humanity and my love for people. My people must prosper.
My desire for my people is abundant overflow, for a door has opened in heaven for my people. Indeed I have a desire for my people to live in a place of abundance, overflow, and even extravagance as never before. My people’s prosperity will be connected to obedience, giving, and their ability to dream with me of what is possible on the earth. Nothing is impossible for my people. Nothing is impossible for my people. Nothing is impossible for my people.
The greatest outpouring of my Spirit has been birthed and cannot be stopped. It is a global outpouring that will witness the power of the primitive Church come on the people of God. In the western world, a defining feature of this outpouring will be a clear difference between those in the household faith and those outside my body. So do not grow weary in well-doing. Embrace the process that you now find yourself in and know that I will fulfill all that I have spoken if you stay the course. I will be faithful to perform my word, and man and my body will be glorified in the earth. No sphere of society will be exempt from what I am doing on the earth. This is the hour of birthing. This is the hour of glory, overcoming, and steadfast focus on the mission for which I have placed you on earth.
Next season (10-12 years)
o Unprecedented wisdom and revelation made available to the people of God
o Ideas, concepts, and insight to step in the great transfer of wealth
o Grace to step into a focused vision
o A grace to see and know as never before
o The power of the early Church being restored to the early church
o The advancing of the preaching demonstration of the gospel of the Kingdom
o The body of Christ pioneering and advancing media projects to release the message of the gospel of the Kingdom
o Media documenting unprecedented miracles by the people of God
o True Apostles coming into the forefront in the earth
o Five-fold leaders working together as never before
o Strategic partnership between Apostles and Prophets
o Leaders building family-like structures across denominational lines and unprecedented unity
o Our effectiveness as a people will be defined by our ability to come together
o God-ordained strategies available to the people of God to allow the body to build multi-generational
o A new season of leaders emerging that will define the landscape of the body of Christ for the next 30 years
o Creative and unceasing prayer released globally to see a harvest of souls the global Church has ever seen
o Ideas and inventions available to the people of God for entrepreneurship and bringing some the ability to bring millions and even a small group billions of dollars
On the morning of October 8, 2020, God began to speak to me about the coming season. The following words represent words that the Holy Spirit released to me over a period of two and a half months. I encourage you to prayerfully consider the prophetic words and allow God to highlight specific phrases or parts that are most applicable to you, your family, and your community in this current season. My prayer is that as you read and listen to these words that you would be edified and encouraged to receive a fresh desire to know the beauty of God. May the true word be released on the earth in this season and enable God’s people to fulfill His distinct purposes for this season in world history.
This is truly a defining season for the body of Christ, not only in the United States of America but across the earth. There will be a divine turnaround for the people of God in this season. I will truly allow the world to see the profound difference between good and evil, right and wrong, darkness and light, and my voice and the voice of the enemy. I say to my people, be sure and be established on the firm foundation that is my word. Be established in a deep desire to know my voice, obey my voice, and do what I am speaking in this season. This is a time of divine turnaround. I will cause what has come against my people to be turned around for people’s certain good. If you allow yourself to stand firm on the solid foundation, I will cause you to rise above every circumstance that is trying to define and divide the people of the earth. No longer say that the time of revival and outpouring is coming. I say to my people the time of revival and outpouring is upon you. The door to heaven is now open. What I have desired since the beginning of time will now take place.
Do not be dismayed. Do not be discouraged, for the body of Christ has entered into one of its greatest seasons. I will cause my people to overcome limitations and difficulty to represent me in a manner the world has yet to see. What I am birthing on the earth will make what occurred on the day of Pentecost appear like elementary things. I will not only cause a birthing of supernatural power and outpouring of the Holy Spirit, but I will cause my people, as never before, to live in a different place. Though they live on earth, I want to teach my people to live from heaven towards earth. Unprecedented wisdom and knowledge and virtue is my people’s portion… I implore my people. Seek me with your whole heart and mind, and unprecedented wisdom, knowledge, and understanding will be your portion, for I do not want my people to be ignorant nor fearful of the future of what will take place. I have ordained my people’s future to be defined by what I speak to them… I want to give my people a long-term vision and strategy that will define them for the next ten to twelve years… Many of my key leaders on the earth are at a divine cross-roads. It is imperative that they receive wisdom, knowledge, and instruction that will allow them to walk out the future I have ordained for them. I always have a very personal and specific future purpose for my people, but it is their responsibility to seek me, believe me, and walk in what I desire to freely give them… I am releasing great grace to my people to seek me as never before. This is a season on the earth when I want to reveal defining words, wisdom, and understanding for my people.
Vision is essential in this season for my people. Many of the defining features of the world system will fail. Many of the systems and many of what my people have trusted will fail, but I will not fail my people. I will not fail my people. I will grant those who are hungry to see and know unprecedented wisdom, purpose, and understanding. I am inviting people in a renewed manner to see from my perspective. Indeed, this is the season I desire to equip my people to see as never before. This is a season on the earth of the seer. Indeed, arise, shine for your light has come. I want to teach my people, according to my word, how to legislate and move in authority from the unseen realm and to bring what is in the unseen realm into the seen. Kingdom eternal realities will be birthed on the earth. My desire is that the seers would arise on the earth. My desire is that the seers would arise. My desire is that my seers would arise. My desire is that the seers would arise. My desire is that the seers would arise!!!
In the next ten years, it is my desire that the body of Christ would be defined by the teaching and equipping of the gift of seeing, discernment, and prophetic discernment into the future. Prophets who function primarily as seers will come to a place of prominence in the body of Christ as never before. Their emergence will be a physical sign that across the body, my people’s ability to see and know and move in a place of greater authority has increased in an unprecedented manner on the earth. This is the hour that I want to give my people sight as never before. My desire is to give clear sight, wisdom, and understanding.
My people stand with me, and you will stand in a place that though you may stumble, you will never be shaken or moved by the world outside but will be moved by God inside of you. I want my people to be the ones who embrace mountains as opportunities to see my ability to move on their behalf and cause them to overcome. While the United States of America will face many challenges in the coming months and season, know that I have destined my people to be a people of overcoming power and those who display my goodness as never before. My desire is for my people to walk upon a very specific narrow path. It will be a path of fruitfulness and a path to overcome. The greatest days of authority, virtue, and miracles will be my people’s portion.
I myself will mark my people with unusual signs and wonders and miracles. It will not be just physical in nature, but also miracles in the changing of weather patterns and climates. There will be shifts and changes of the environment and atmosphere in regions and cities, including weather patterns, the economies, and those who are placed into elected office. In this season on the earth, I want my people to take their rightful authority in learning to shape the history and climates of cities, regions, and nations. I invite you to believe in me for a vision to see nations, cities, and regions discipled. My mandate for my people is that they would truly disciple nations and have a vision to disciple nations. Believe me that nations can be discipled. Believe me that nations can be discipled.
What will mark this end-time outpouring? A people of authoritative and unceasing prayer, signs and wonders, an authentic message of Jesus, and unity. Yes, unprecedented unity and the word of the Lord being released with power and authority… I say to my people; there is grace to live as people of unceasing prayer, worship, and intercession. I will speak to my leaders across the globe to call together my people for the purpose of prayer, worship, and intercession. There are certain realities that cannot be birthed outside of the place of worship, prayer, and intercession. I say to my people embrace the words of leaders to come together in prayer, worship, and intercession. The time of unceasing prayer, worship, and intercession has come upon the people of God.
This is the season of the sound. Just as it was on the day of Pentecost, the birth of my Church, I will release a sound into Church communities and regions of the earth. As my people align with me and my words in a place of prayer and supplication, I will release through my people an unprecedented sound that will cause death and life, death to what was never birthed from me, and life to what was never birthed. A rebirthing of what was dead but needs to come alive, this will be a season of what was dead to come alive. This is a season of the sound and the birthing. Do not lose heart and be not faint-hearted. Contend for what is not, but I desired it to be and see the manifestations of promises given long ago.
This will be a season of sound birthed through the music of the saints of God. I want to teach a whole generation of people to become a bridge to bring the sound of heaven from heaven to earth. I want to teach them to live from the authority that I have given my people. Though they live on the earth, I want to teach them to live from heaven to the earth.
It is a season of Deborah’s arising in the earth as never before. As a sign to my people, I will bring to prominence powerful women from all different races and backgrounds, particularly African-American women, Hispanics. and Indians. I am releasing the Deborah’s, on the earth, to release righteous judgment on the earth and deliverance for the people of God. Yes, a grace is coming into my body to set captives free and to release my people from every evil work, and from entanglements that are not of me.
This is a season of I, myself, establishing righteousness and purity in my people so that my body can carry a corporate weight of glory that has never before been seen on the earth. This is a season of establishing and releasing the fear of the Lord and a cleansing beauty for my people to ascend the hill of the Lord with a clean and pure heart. In this season, my body will fall into love with holiness and purity and in the fear of the Lord as never before.
The judgments of God are coming to the house of God, and what is not of God but exists in my people. I will release a harsh and stern judgment. It will not be for judgment's sake but for the sake of allowing my body to stand on a solid foundation and produce unprecedented fruit, breakthroughs, and impact. So put away any idols of the heart and understand any misunderstanding of me, and stand as the people I so desire you to become and have granted you the power to be.
In this season on the earth, I am connecting key leaders, as never before, for the purposes of God. My five-fold leaders will begin to speak and release as one sound as never before. I will cause my leaders to come together as one in covenant. The strength of my people will be defined by their ability to come together and walk together as one.
One of the marks that my hand is upon my people is that I am bringing diverse streams of my body to join together for the purpose of Kingdom advancement. I am going to draw together the Baptist, Catholics, Assembly of God, Charismatics, and Word of Faith, and renewal groups. I will draw them together.
My true brilliance and beauty cannot be seen in the world without my people coming together as one. So come together as one. I want to cause my people to see each other and other streams as I see them for the purpose of bringing my body together as one. When my people are together as one, a power that has not been seen since the days of the early church will be released on the earth, and history can be written in the manner of what I intend.
I want to give my people eyes to see what I have made available to them in this season and what I have made available to this generation of my children on the earth that no other generation has been given. Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are my people’s portion. In this season, I will teach my people how to walk by faith and not by sight as never before. I will teach them to not be moved by what you see with your natural eyes, but to be only moved by what I have been speaking and what I have declared to be true… This is a season on the earth when my people must devour my word as their highest delight and guard themselves against all other influences so that their highest delight is in me… I want to mark people. Indeed, I want to brand my people with a marking that their greatest delight would be to know and experience my beauty. Indeed the greatest revelation that I am releasing on the earth is a revelation of my beauty and my name on the earth. When my people see my beauty, they will represent me as I have ordained them to represent Him.
For truly, the earth is longing and groaning for the appearance of the sons of men. Now there has been a generation released on the earth that will understand the beauty of my son and the authority I have given my children to reshape the earth according to my divine intent. I am jealous for the earth to reflect what has been the desire of my heart since time began.
For indeed, there is also a great rumbling taking place on the earth. The plans and desire of the enemy will not flourish. The Lord says the lockdowns will not prosper. He says, I myself will see to it that many people represent me in this defining time on the earth for the people of God.
This is truly a defining season for the body of Christ on the earth… I will define my people according to how they responded to the crisis and the difficulty currently taking place in the nations of the earth. Do not seek natural solutions, for I alone am the one who brings hope, peace, and understanding. Yet I say again do not look for natural solutions, for I alone can bring wisdom and understanding. Now is the time for my people to join together in a place of prayer, supplication, and worship. In your humility, in turning to me, I would grant you understanding for the time and season in which you live.
This is a season on the earth that I desire to establish my people by the words of their mouth. I have untold reserves of solutions that will bring victory for my people. They must be established by my words. They must believe what I speak and say, and say what I have spoken. I have preordained realities that I desire to come to pass. I am releasing messengers and five-fold ministers on the earth who will carry and release my words to my body and the nations of the earth as never before. Do not despise my words and the words of my servant in this season. My people will be defined by the words they speak and proclaim, so let my word be established in your mouth and see my word come to pass. I am releasing great authority and power on the words my people speak. Do not neglect my word. Take great delight in my word and see my word come to pass. For my word has been given as a gift to you to take great delight in and eat as spiritual food so that no adversity or difficulty would overcome you and allow you to be defeated in this world.
This next season in the body of Christ will be defined by an open heaven for my children in the United States of America. I am placing the choice of death and life before my people. Though the mountains and situations may look difficult and even impossible to overcome, what I have determined for my people is the ability to overcome and be on display for the world to see. Did I not say that you are the light of the world, a city that is to be set on a hill? I desire you to be put on display in this world. Even as my servant Joseph was elevated in the middle of famine for His people, my desire is that my people would be like Joseph and have an understanding of what cannot be understood with a natural mind of intellect and the ability to bring solutions. As my servant Daniel was placed in a position to serve an evil ruler, I want my people to live from the ascended place of favor and authority. I have given them the authority to overcome every limitation that the enemy would seek to place upon them. However, it will be your choice as to whether you will overcome it.
In this defining season, I want to define my people by bringing them into an elevated place of sonship, discipleship, and authority. Do not cease to build your life on my gift of faith that is inside of you. My people must learn to walk by faith and not by sight as never before. My faith has been given to my people so they can receive and overcome every obstacle that would ever come against them. So trust me, speak my words, and allow the gift of my faith to be your anchor in this world. Allow yourself to grow in faith through practical action. For there is a life I have predestined for my people during this specific time. It is a time of going where my people have never gone before. It will be like when Peter saw me, and I invited him to walk in the same place I was standing. I want to cause my people to walk where they have never walked before and to step into that place. They must have a desire to go and to hear and obey and stay focused and consumed with what I have spoken. This is a season that I want to define my people by walking in places that the intellect cannot imagine but has my people’s portion when time began.
This will be a season of divine overcoming for my people. I am provision. I have abundance. I have fruitfulness for all that you would ever need or want. Keep your focus upon me and know that I am the author and the finisher of your faith. I will show myself faithful to my people in this season. Prosperity will be my people’s portion, not simply for the purpose of prosperity but for the sake of the world. It will be for the sake of humanity and my love for people. My people must prosper.
My desire for my people is abundant overflow, for a door has opened in heaven for my people. Indeed I have a desire for my people to live in a place of abundance, overflow, and even extravagance as never before. My people’s prosperity will be connected to obedience, giving, and their ability to dream with me of what is possible on the earth. Nothing is impossible for my people. Nothing is impossible for my people. Nothing is impossible for my people.
The greatest outpouring of my Spirit has been birthed and cannot be stopped. It is a global outpouring that will witness the power of the primitive Church come on the people of God. In the western world, a defining feature of this outpouring will be a clear difference between those in the household faith and those outside my body. So do not grow weary in well-doing. Embrace the process that you now find yourself in and know that I will fulfill all that I have spoken if you stay the course. I will be faithful to perform my word, and man and my body will be glorified in the earth. No sphere of society will be exempt from what I am doing on the earth. This is the hour of birthing. This is the hour of glory, overcoming, and steadfast focus on the mission for which I have placed you on earth.
Next season (10-12 years)
o Unprecedented wisdom and revelation made available to the people of God
o Ideas, concepts, and insight to step in the great transfer of wealth
o Grace to step into a focused vision
o A grace to see and know as never before
o The power of the early Church being restored to the early church
o The advancing of the preaching demonstration of the gospel of the Kingdom
o The body of Christ pioneering and advancing media projects to release the message of the gospel of the Kingdom
o Media documenting unprecedented miracles by the people of God
o True Apostles coming into the forefront in the earth
o Five-fold leaders working together as never before
o Strategic partnership between Apostles and Prophets
o Leaders building family-like structures across denominational lines and unprecedented unity
o Our effectiveness as a people will be defined by our ability to come together
o God-ordained strategies available to the people of God to allow the body to build multi-generational
o A new season of leaders emerging that will define the landscape of the body of Christ for the next 30 years
o Creative and unceasing prayer released globally to see a harvest of souls the global Church has ever seen
o Ideas and inventions available to the people of God for entrepreneurship and bringing some the ability to bring millions and even a small group billions of dollars