My prayer and my great desire for you is that you would be growing in the knowledge of God daily and that you would find your greatest satisfaction in fellowship with Him. This year has opened at a very rapid pace, with our 20/20 Encounter bringing in the new year as well travel to Las Vegas, Nevada, Corona, California, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Whiteville, North Carolina. In each of these cities God moved in a powerful and unique way. This is truly a time of the
greatest outpouring in the earth! I also began 2020 with the goal to finish a small book on faith by February 15. I have really enjoyed the writing process for this book, and I am believing that the book will go around the world to be a tool for believers to walk in the life of victory that God intended for each of us. I am asking that you please agree with me in prayer that this book project would be completed by the goal I have set in the manner God intended. This month my intention was to continue to share the prophetic word God revealed to me for 2020 and beyond. However, as I prepared to write to you, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to share with you on the subject of revelation knowledge. Revelation knowledge can be defined as the unveiling of the character and nature of God to humanity to discover their purpose and relate to God in the correct manner. At creation, God’s intention was to educate humanity through revelation knowledge. Adam and Eve could only understand their purpose for living when it was revealed to them by God. Revelation knowledge is as critical to the life of believers as the heart is a critical organ for the human body to function. Proverbs 29:18 declares, “Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained” (AMP). The following are some critical values that will give understanding about the nature of revelation and how you can walk in a lifestyle of revelation. • Revelation is a gift given to humanity by God himself (John 3:27). • Revelation knowledge is birthed from the heart of God, not from the human soul or intellect (Matthew 16:17). • Humanity must receive revelation as a gift from God (Romans 8:32). • The gift of God’s faith to us must grab revelation knowledge (Hebrews 11:6). • Revelation must be applied (James 2:17). • Applied revelation is a place in which we can grow in understanding (Luke 10:1-12). • Wisdom and revelation work together as one to cause us to be more fruitful (Ephesians 1:17-18). One of my continual prayers is that God would daily grant me the spirit of wisdom and revelation. It is the prayer that the Apostle Paul prayed for the Church of Ephesus and is it my prayer for you. “I do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him” (Ephesians 1:16-17). Thank you once again for faithfully standing with the vision and purpose God has given this ministry. Together we are advancing the Kingdom of God around the world. As I finish this letter to you today, I am in Canada ministering in my first international trip of 2020. This year we will be ministering internationally in Germany, Iceland, England, Switzerland, Albania, South Africa, Romania, and Moldova. As always, we want to hear from you! Please share your testimonies or prayer requests by e-mailing us at [email protected]. We are committed to standing with you to see the purposes of God established in your life! We love you and are honored to have you connected to us as a partner. If have not already done so please be sure to access the word of the Lord for 2020 beyond. Pursuing Him! Abner Suarez
March 2021