My prayer for you this morning, as it is nearly every day, is that " may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding" (Colossians 1:9). As I prayed, I also sensed in my heart that this new season (2020) will be:
The holiday season tends to be an extremely busy time of year for all us but I want to encourage you to take quality time and enter the new year intentionally. As I enter each new year, I take time to reflect and meditate on the previous year and ask God for wisdom to enter into the new year as He intends. The following are questions I personally bring before the Lord to inquire of Him as I enter the new year:
I also want to invite you and your family to prayerfully consider joining us for Encounter 20/20 on December 30 and 31 at Cornerstone Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. Encounter 20/20 will be two nights of worship, teaching, prophecy and divine encounter. I will be ministering both nights and worship will be led by the Cornerstone worship team and special guest Rob Cole. I cannot think of a better way to begin 2020 than by coming together with the Body of Christ. As I conclude this letter; I want to update you that I have just concluded a life changing weekend at the Government of God Church in Cebu City, Philippines. I ministered three days in seven sessions. Each day we fed all those in attendance lunch and sent them home each day with rice. God moved in an incredibly powerfully way throughout the weekend. Healings and miracles were commonplace and the word of the Lord was released over the nation. Many received life changing encounters. Please agree with me in prayer that God would grant us wisdom on strategies to further the Kingdom of God in the nation of the Philippines. Our desire is to build long-term relationships with local churches, believing for nations to be discipled in our day. Your partnership is what allows us to have these weekends in third world nations among very impoverished people of the world. I am now in Nepal preparing to minister to leaders from around the nation. Thank you for your continued love and support of this ministry. Together we are making a difference and serving our generation! The best is yet to come! Abner Suarez
March 2021