My prayer is that this email finds you and your family abounding in the purposes of God during this season. Last weekend it was such a joy seeing many of you at our Watchman Gathering in Colfax, North Carolina. If you were able to attend, you know that it was a life changing time together as God poured out His Spirit in a very special way. It was also a very special weekend for me, as it was my first opportunity to minister to the gathered community since March 8. If you were not able to attend, we will have CD and MP3 audio available very shortly. I really encourage you to listen to the words that were ministered during our time together.
As I write this email, our nation continues to be challenged by multiple crises and challenges that I never thought I would witness in my lifetime. However, in the middle of a national crisis that perhaps our nation has never faced, I remain confident in a faithful God. When the COVID 19 crisis began in March, one of the first things God spoke to me was that the current crisis does not negate His plans and purposes for the earth in this season. While the crisis may be fruitful in delaying the purposes of God, it cannot stop God's divine intent from being established. I have also heard continually a simple clear word from God: "Stay focused!" Many different narratives are attempting to shape our hearts and minds in this season, and it is crucial that we remain focused on that which God has placed in our hands. Focus is defined as a central point: a point of conversation (Noah Webster 1828 dictionary). Our focus will define our fruitfulness in this season. Our fruitfulness as the people of God will determine if we are able to operate in our God given authority to bring hope, healing, and solutions to a world in great need. The following are keys that I have learned help to establish me in living a focused life.
My encouragement to you this month is to keep your eyes upon God and His word in this season. We shall see the God of breakthrough answer the prayers of His people! God will work all things together for the good of His people! God is looking for people whose hearts and minds have remained steadfast so His words and power would be released through their lives in this season. This will be a season that though the nations will shake in an unprecedented manner, the word and the goodness of God will prevail, and a global awakening of power, salvations and city transformation will take place. "This is indeed a unique season in which My people must maintain hope, confidence and steadfast faith to receive and manifest that which I desire to birth in the earth." Thank you for your continued faithful support for the vision and assignment God has given to me. It is a true honor to have been called to stand with the purposes of God. As always, we want to hear from you! Please share your testimonies and prayer requests by e-mailing us at [email protected]. We are committed to standing with you to see the purposes of God established in your life! We love you and are honored to have you connected to us as a partner. I also want to once again invite you to join our Daniel Company prophetic intercession group. The group now meets three times a week Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 8:04 PM EST. The prayer call dial in number 857-232-0155; User Code 523585. God has beautifully joined friends of God from around the world for a time of encounter, repentance, and intercession. May you continue to remain steadfast in the grace of God! Abner Suarez
March 2021