My prayer for you once again this morning was, “That you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding” (Colossians 1:9). In this unprecedented season in the earth, it is vital that we live by revelation and not simply good ideas. God desires to birth eternal strategies through His people in this season. The Godhead has a very distinct purpose for His people in this season that cannot be navigated without knowing His will in this season. For those willing to have a listening and obeying ear, it will be a season of knowing His will and living in victory over every difficulty and scheme of the evil one. God will release a restoration to His people of that which was stolen and rightfully belongs to His children. This is not a season to grow weary in well doing, but to stand in faith and keep on trusting what God has declared to be true! God will be faithful to His word and His people will experience the victory, breakthrough and beauty as our portion.
In my letter to you last month, I shared with you three of six prophetic keys that must define the Body of Christ that God revealed to me on Sunday morning, June 21. This month I want to share with you the final three prophetic keys. Once again, this word is certainly not an exhaustive word for this season, but it gives understanding into God’s heart for this season. The five-fold ministry working together as one to establish the government of God and equip God’s people for the work of the ministry. The five-fold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) are Jesus’ gifts to His Church. The purpose of the five-fold ministry is for God’s people to be equipped for the work of the ministry and to grow into maturity. It is crucial for the five-fold ministry to recognize their need for each other and to fulfill their role of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry. The people of God must be equipped for the work of the ministry so that God’s purpose for outpouring in the earth and transformation of nations can be fulfilled according to God’s divine purpose for this season (Ephesians 4:4-16). Learning to see humanity through the lens of God’s mercy and goodness. An evil King Nebuchadnezzar had a troubling dream, the interpretation of which meant certain judgement for Him. However, Daniel laments the coming judgement upon King Nebuchadnezzar and hopes, “may the dream concern those who hate you, and it’s interpretation concern your enemies” (Daniel 4:19). He also encourages the King to repent to perhaps allow a “lengthening of prosperity” (Daniel 4:27). Though Daniel gives a strong word of judgement to an evil King, he still chooses to see him through the lens of God’s mercy and redemption. In this season, the Body of Christ must take their rightful place of declaring truth and righteousness in society; however, we must always see humanity through the lens of God’s desire to bring restoration and mercy to all people. While God hates unrighteousness and injustice, He loves all people and His greatest desire, regardless of current behavior, is that all people would be repent and know him as King and Savior. The people of God learning and understanding new paradigms from which we relate to the world. In this season divine strategy, divine wisdom, divine understanding, and divine birthing will occur. “I desire a new renaissance to be released through the Body of Christ. It will cause the eyes of humanity to be turned toward the beauty created by My sons and daughters. If you seek Me for understanding, it will be found. The wisdom to birth the dream I have placed in your heart will be your portion. This is a season of unique and divine strategies from heaven. They are being released on the earth for those who have a listening and attentive ear. I am releasing immense grace for My people to wait on the Lord, listen to the word of the Lord, and receive great wisdom for the application of the word of the Lord. In this season, My great desire is to release divine words from heaven. These words will quickly and speedily come to pass. As My people lean into Me with corresponding wisdom, I am releasing keys that would unlock the manifestation of prophetic words and mandates; some given long ago. Indeed! In this season, the just shall walk by faith as never before. I want to enlarge My people’s vision and their ability to see and hear from heaven. So, position yourself properly and be prepared to act unlike any other season. For I desire a great impact.” I encourage you to take time to review these three prophetic keys, as well the three keys I shared in last month’s letter. Ask God to give you wisdom and understanding as to how these realities can be applied to your life in this season. This is a season in which God is resetting many in the Body of Christ to allow us to be rooted and grounded correctly and to bear unprecedented fruit in the coming season. I want to thank you once again for standing with this ministry as a faithful Covenant Partner. Together we are daily making a difference in advancing the Kingdom of God! Please share your testimonies and prayer requests by e-mailing us at [email protected]. We are committed to standing with you to see the purposes of God established in your life! We love you and are honored to have you connected to us as a Covenant Partner. Relentlessly Pursuing Him, Abner Suarez
March 2021