My prayer is that you and your family are well and pursuing the heart of God. Last month I asked you specifically to pray and join your faith with mine for my trip to Europe (which included ministry in the nations of Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, and England). I want to report that God poured out His Spirit in a beautiful way. The word of the Lord was released for nations, regions and churches. Many reported experiencing healings and miracles and hundreds encountered the Holy Spirit in life-changing ways. In total, I ministered in 15 different sessions which included three all-day mini encounter schools. Thank you for your continued partnership with this ministry! Your partnership makes it possible for those moments to continually happen around the world.
Since the beginning of the year, the Holy Spirit has been emphasizing to me the necessity and power of building our lives on the appropriate foundation. In my previous letters to you this year (and through our sermon of the month audio teachings), I have shared with you some of the characteristics that enable us to build on the correct foundation. Our ability to walk out God's purpose in this season is divinely connected to building on the correct foundation. This month I want to share with you the absolute necessity of learning to hear and follow the voice of God. Without the voice of God, a correct foundation in God does not exist. The first voice that Adam ever heard was the voice of God; it was the voice of God that gave him understanding of His purpose and qualified Him for the assignment of ruling the earth. Adam, and therefore humanity, was created to hear and be educated by that voice and to place his confidence and absolute trust in God's voice (Genesis 1:28). The earth forever shifted when Adam and Eve listened and obeyed the wrong voice. The same reality exists today. The most predominant voice we listen to is the one that is defining our lifestyle. God's intention is still that we would live and be governed by His voice. Jesus declared, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4) Notice that Jesus likened the word of God to eating bread. Humanity can only go about three to four days without water and about twenty-one days without eating food. The word of God for the believer is as necessary as food and water for us to function as God intended. While it is a multi-faceted discussion that is much larger than one letter, I want to offer some simple keys to position our hearts to hear the voice of God. The positioning of our hearts determines if we will accurately hear the voice of God. Make a quality decision that you will obey what God speaks to you (I have found that this decision must be made daily). Make a quality decision that God's word (scripture) will be the final authority in your life). Confess daily that as a believer you hear the voice of God and you delight in His voice (John 10:27, Psalm 1:2). Be intentional to read and mediate on scripture (Joshua 1:8, 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Be part of a local body in which the five-fold teaches and preaches the word of God (Ephesians 4:11-14). As you begin to hear, obey quickly (John 2:5). Perhaps you are one who has heard and obeyed the voice of God for many years or you have just begun the journey of learning to hear the voice of God, but I believe that as you apply these foundational truths, you will hear the voice of God and grow in understanding and wisdom. We are indeed in a season of unprecedented wisdom and understanding in the earth. The Godhead is releasing to His people unprecedented wisdom and understanding in this season. May the voice of God and the wisdom of God define every part of your life in this season! Thank you once again for your partnership with this ministry. Together we are making a difference! In addition to sending your testimonies, please also send us your prayer requests so we may stand with you in faith and believe with you for God's word to be manifested in your and your family's life. Pursuing Him, Abner Suarez
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March 2021