My prayer is that this month’s newsletter finds you and your family well! Over sixteen years ago, I began dialogue with God that still continues to this day. The dialogue came from a question that I had for God: How do I live a lifestyle (or how does the Church live) in a continual outpouring of the Holy Spirit? I believe my question was rooted in scripture and experience.
I had been raised in a Spirit-filled home and been around the things of God since I was in my mother’s womb, but my life had forever been changed through the revival movements of our time (namely the Brownsville Revival and Toronto Blessing). I believed scripture was clear, that the normative for the Church was to live in a continuous progressive outpouring of the Holy Spirit. I also feared having a lukewarm Christianity and not receiving everything that God intended for me in my lifetime. The knowledge and wisdom I have been given as a response to that question from God has been life changing and continues to this day. In coming newsletters, I hope to explore some of the understanding God has given me in response to this question. This month I simply want to explore and highlight to you the idea that He has given us the privilege of asking Him questions as sons and daughters of God. To me, this is one of most astonishing and wonderful gifts God has given to us. The Creator of the universe has made Himself vulnerable to the questions and inquiries of His children. God delights in the pursuit of His children and scripture teaches that He delights and rewards those who diligently pursue Him (Hebrews 11:6). The foundation for healthy dialogue with God is that with God’s help we are daily surrendered to Him and make fellowship with God not a part of our lives but the foundation of our lives. As we endeavor to make the fellowship with God our spiritual foundation, God delights in answering the inquiries of His children. Many years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and told me, “Abner, if I have your heart, I will give you the world.” From the posture of friendship. I have become an avid inquirer of God. I ask God many questions about a variety of different issues in life: o How can I be more effective in this area? o Why did you not show me this earlier? o Can I do this now? o Please show me how you see this person? o Why did you move in this manner? I believe one of the essential aspects of our fellowship with God is our ability to inquire of the Lord. If we ask and listen correctly in this season, great wisdom and understanding is our portion. In January of this year, I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to me quite clearly and said, “I am releasing grace to my people in this season to have unprecedented wisdom and understanding for the times and the season in which my people live.” Proverbs 2:6 declares, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.” May you receive the wisdom and understanding that is your portion in this season. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry. Together we are building and extending the Kingdom of God around the world. Please continue to send in your prayer requests and testimonies; we want to stand with you in faith and also to celebrate what God is doing in your lives. Sincerely, Abner Suarez
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March 2021